Create a Job Overview

Posting A New Job

Both Administrators and Employers are able to add new jobs. Admins add jobs via the back-end in WordPress and Employers add them via the front-end section in the Employers profile dashboard.

Admin add new job

Admins do not require credits to post jobs, these can be added by selecting ‘New’ within the JobBoard menu in the Admin dashboard of WordPress

Employers Add new job

Employers can add new jobs in their profile dashboard under ‘Post New’. Providing the employer has credits available then they can add their jobs.

Creating a job is very simple with either method. Fill out each field in the post new job page, add the featured image, its tags and category and there you have it! Job posted.

Job Locations

You can manually select the job location within the GeoLocation section of adding a new job, or you can select pre-defined locations from the Location section. You’ll need to enter these locations from within the Locations menu of JobBoard in the WordPress admin dashboard.

Employer Packages

Earn monehy from your recruitment site!
Employers can purchase a package which allows them to post their own jobs. Use our pre-made packages or create your own with your own features and limitations.

The Job Basket

The job basket is a unique feature in recruitment agency themes. Add multiple jobs to your basket and apply for them all with ease!

Quick & Easy Job Application

Found a job that suits what you’re looking for? Add it to your basket and apply for it whenever you want. Just make sure you have a CV uploaded or you won’t be able to apply for jobs.

All your jobs in one place

The job basket makes job hunting more manageable, all your jobs in one place make it easier to keep track of the jobs you’re interested in.
